CLUB TENNIS TARRAGONA eCommerce Tarragona Tarragona
CLUB TENNIS TARRAGONA eCommerce Tarragona Tarragona


Have you seen what a change we have made in the Children's Area?


With the help of Alba Clínica Dental, one of our official sponsors, we have been able to make major changes to the Children's Space area.

And it is that, under the motto "Children want to be children", we have transformed this structure into a space laboratory, specifically, the Alba SpaceLab.

The goal is none other than to treat our little tennis players as what they really are, boys and girls who want to have fun playing sports. Kids playing tennis, but first and foremost, kids.

That is why in the Alba Spacelab rooms of the Tennis Club Tarragona you can observe the shower of stars, where in addition to stars, teeth and more than one tennis ball fall!

To everyone's delight, these are only the first changes in a most spectacular entourage. We ask that you stay tuned, as many more surprises are coming very soon!

For now, we hope you enjoy the Children's Area and that the little ones in the house, thanks to Alba Clínica Dental, can combine sport and fun in the best possible way.